Freedom and Fluidity: The Art of Aaron Sheppard

These are inarguably sensitive times. Reality swims in a turbulent fluidity. A misstep in labels or language is a grave error, even when the rules are being written and rewritten in real time — but somewhere there’s gotta be a moment where poetic ambiguity can safely flow. In artist Aaron Sheppard’s statement for his exhibit […]
Desert Companion Fall Culture Guide | Jeff Wack

KNPR’s Desert Companion features City of Angels by Jeff Wack in its Fall Culture Guide. Click the image to read the full article.
Best of the City | Sin City Gallery

The Desert Companion has released its BEST OF THE CITY for 2014. We are thrilled that Sin City Gallery and 12 Inches of Sin was referenced as something to experience while at The Arts Factory on a First Friday. > Read More