Sin City Gallery Named Best Gallery in Nevada

The American Art Awards has named Sin City Gallery the Best Gallery in Nevada and the Best 25 Galleries in America for 2012. > Read More
Desert of Earthly Delights | JK Russ

An International Eye Discovers And Explores The Desert’s Neon Ethos Award-winning New Zealand artist JK Russ will be exhibiting her “Desert of Earthly Delights” show at Sin City Gallery, March 1-25. On Thursday, March 1, there will be an “Artist Talk Preview” from 6-9 p.m. with the talk at 7 p.m. Her showing will include […]
Day of the Provocateur

“Henkel, and Sin City, always seem to make a big impact. The 12 Inches show, now in its sixth year, draws hundreds of submissions. Last year she crowd-funded four books of art compiled from past 12 Inches shows; the fifth book comes out this year. Now, the gallerist is taking a shrewdly calculated big chance […]
Meet think tank ART (Germany) | Closing Reception

We are delighted to welcome think tank ART at Sin City Gallery in Las Vegas. think tank ART (Germany) is the winner of the international juried art competition 12 Inches of Sin’s Obscura produced by Sin City Gallery. Over 300 submissions were received from around the world and think tank ART won due to its […]