Artist Talk: Marshall Bradford

Join us on July 16th at 7:00 pm. for an evening at the gallery with visual artist Marshall Bradford. His delighful art is part of our exhibition Le Salon Des Refusés Du Péché and will be published in our upcoming book 12″ of Sin, Vol IV. Bradford’s photography combined with Shibari is not only sensual […]
Artist Talk – Marshall Bradford @ Cockroach Theatre – March 22

On Sunday, March 22nd at 1:00 PM, Marshall Bradford will share his perspectives on his craft and rope. Models will be on hand to share their perspective on Bradford’s style and their personal insights of being subjects to Bradford’s photographs.
Get Tied Up In This Artist’s Discipline

Marshall Bradford calls his Las Vegas photography business No Bullshit Studios. On his website, he has what amounts to a manifesto: He aims to produce “the best work I can with no games, no ego, and no attitude,” and professes to have “zero tolerance for flakes and people who don’t respect (my) time and effort.” […]
Work That Inspires | Marshall Bradford

The inaugural exhibition, Desert Bound, by Marshall Bradford is exciting collectors in Las Vegas and abroad. The opening night was filled with Bradford’s subjects, collectors and curious visitors open to to try Shibari. > Read More
Opening Reception | Marshall Bradford

The opening reception for DESERT BOUND by Marshall Bradford opens on February 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM. This is Bradford’s premier gallery exhibition in Las Vegas. We invite you to meet the artist and his subjects at the reception. This is an exciting opportunity to acquire first edition prints exclusively made by for Sin City […]
Rope 101: Intro to Shibari

Sin City Gallery warmly welcomes the Las Vegas Rope Social to present Rope 101: Intro to Shibari to coincide with the beautiful photographic works of Marshall Bradford during his exhibition, Desert Bound. The gallery strongly believes that art is a wonderful catalyst for education, an we will always present unique and interesting workshops to coincide […]